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After constant Green Light, Red Light, The Deadpool movie is again seeing all green. Not only is it a green light but actor Ryan Reynolds, who is to play the Merc with a Mouth, said at Wonder-Con that not only is the movie a "go" but confirms the movie will be a "Hard 'R' Rating".

Reynolds says, "Deadpool is not a villain, he's an asshole," Reynolds tells a fan he doesn't want to discuss the prospects of a Deadpool feature film, saying there are too many unknowns, but he enjoyed playing the character, would have done some things differently, and if they do a movie, they'll do it the right way — "hard R."

When asked about the script and fears of a Wolverine: Origins repeat, the Star replied.
"Worry not, I want it to happen. I just feel like when it does happen, it has to be done the exact right way. I've been a part of it for way, way too long, and it has to be done extremely well. There's a lot I could say about it right now, but there are moving parts that I really want to see to fruition and I want to see them happen, so I don't want to get into and put the cart before the horse, so we'll see. The script is exactly where I want it to be," he said. "[The script is], tonally speaking, perfect."

Deadpool Script is Perfect? See for yourself, Leaked Script Below

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